A Proactive Approach: Insights from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Report
The most recent National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2019 shows that 5,333 fatal workplace injuries occurred in 2019, the largest annual number since 2007. This startling statistic leads us to ask; Why aren’t efforts to improve worker safety generating a meaningful reduction in workplace injuries?
Download our free whitepaper to learn how the use of leading indicators and technology can help us proactively approach safety.

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Download: Understanding How Sensor Fusion AI Is Making Steel Industry Workplaces Safer
Download our free whitepaper to learn how sensor fusion based AI is bringing the steel industry one step closer to reaching the goal of an accident-free steel industry.
Forbes Feature: How Autonomous Vehicles Are Paving the Way for Safety in the Workplace
Advancements in the autonomous vehicle industry to overcome the faults of human error are changing how we think about safety not only on the road but also in other sectors.